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Framed Staple Clapton Ni80

Framed Staple Clapton Ni80

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Halo Coils are high quality handmade vaping coils.

Designed to give you the absolute best flavour production possible.

We are using highest quality nicrom80 and kanthal A1 UK wires to build our coils,
giving you an intense warm vapor with outstanding amounts of vapor production.

These coils are every vapers dream ! 


0.12 Ohm per Coil


  • 2 x Coils in the Box

ATTENTION: This product is for advanced users only! These coils are made to work with both mechanical mods and regulated mods. We are not responsible for any damages to you, your device, your immediate surroundings and/or any people, pets, or property due to incorrect installation. Please only purchase if you know how to install coils on RDAs, RTAs, and RBAs. Advanced mechanical mods and rebuildable atomizers are ONLY for experienced users. You MUST have detailed knowledge of Ohms law and understand proper battery usage safety protocols. 
By purchasing this product, you agree that ESG is not responsible for any damages arising from misuse, improper installation, or damage incurred from the end buyer from the use of this product.

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