Skydrop with Drip Tip-Liquid controller Ultem polished & Full Ultem Tank polished

Skydrop with Drip Tip-Liquid controller Ultem polished & Full Ultem Tank polished
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Price as configured: €85.00

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The Skydrop,

is the drop kit to make your Skyline shorter.

It can only be used if you have the original Skyline !

It was very important to keep all the good functionality from the Skyline,

while taking the time to even improve on some other details with the Skydrop kit.

The Skydrop is plug and play!
This means you will take your current Skyline, and unscrew the complete base from it and simply screw the whole Skydrop kit onto it, so you are already built, wicked, and ready to vape!!!

The Skydrop comes with a redesigned inner chimney and outside chimney, the result is more intesnde flavor and even smoother air flow.

The drip tip and juice flow control is made all from one piece.

You will be able to choose the aesthetic of your Skydrop. Visually, there are a lot of different combinations of tanks and Drip Tip Liquid controllers that we feel everyone will enjoy finding and putting together for their own unique experience!!!
Of course all pieces are compatible with each other, and whenever you want , you can change any part with another and pimp up your Skyline to the max again and again!


The Skydrop comes professionaly cleaned and ready to use, we put only a little bit of pure 100% VG on the orings of the liquid controller.

Please prime all orings before use and every time after you clean your Skydrop and Skyline so all orings remain smooth and all functions are perfect.



  • Stainless Steel: 1.4404 (316L)
  • Ultem 1000 Quadrant 
  • PC1000 Quadrant
  • O-rings: Nbr 40 Shore Foodgrade








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Manufacturer ESG


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