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e-SmokeGuru Titanium ready wires 1.0 ohm

e-SmokeGuru Titanium ready wires 1.0 ohm

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

0,35 €

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e-SmokeGuru Titanium ready wires


After some long research we end up making titanium ready wires for the following reasons:

Titanium is the only absolutely biocompatible metal, followed by cobalt and stainless steel which is used only because it is economical material. 

Titanium is a material that the human body can absorb in large quantities daily with absolutely no impact on health.


We observed during tests the following: 

It didnt give us metallic taste at all like clasic nichrome or kanthal does

It didnt hold a lot of residues like other wires do

We observed greater production of steam and better flavor due to greater surface coverage, (titanium has the half of nichrome-kanthal resistance)

Also we will have titanium wires for all those who do not need the non resistance nickel wire.

Dont forget that we can use these titanium ready wires on atomizers that dont need NR wire. In fact the ready wires are much better because there is no loss of ohms (distance between coil and posts gives about 10% loss of power!)

The Titanium alloy contains: Titanium, aluminium, nickel, chrome, iron.




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