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New SkyDecK is produced with the highest machining precision available and from the same 316L (1.4404) Stainless Steel as the Skyline
It features a new slot design that hosts the AirDisk.
It includes one free Airdisk of your choice, a special custom tool that extracts the AirDisk from the Slot.
Positive pole, screws and the insulator are also included so it is plug and play.

Liquid holes are redesigned with a new shape and now allows progressively more liquid flow in your resistance, as you open the liquid controller.
The drip well around the slot now provides more room for your cotton on each side, allowing more resistance core diameters.
SkyDecK now provides 10 different airflow options with the Airdisks, that makes possible to the user to find the sweet spot of the desired vaping experience.





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